Fantastic day.

Had a great day at work, was real busy. And apparently I'm gonna be running the kitchen in the morning for a couple of days in two weeks. OH DEAR! Haha, should be all good tho. :)
After work I met up w Andy and headed to Arthur's Seat. One of my fav places here in Edinburgh! Haven't been there since's last september tho, so almost a year now. Shame on me! Anyways.. It was really warm n sunny outside which made it a perfect day to go there.
All in all. A fantastic day. Now I'm going for a cold shower cause Im still warm as fuck and then it's bed time! Back to work in the morning!


MY DAY! Went to the interview in Dalkeith, had a five min interview, got the job! WAHEEY! Then went for a walk around Dalkeith for an hour, headed back into town. Went to +48 and chilled w then boys for a while. Laughed at Kev who was all hungover n giggly. Then went to see Nick & Kara at OTT for a wee bit. THEN, went to the beehive with Dave, had one too many pints, laughed alot and then headed back to +48 where I enjoyed a very delish Subway. THEN I went to see lil Andy for tea n a movie, chilled as fuck. Then on my way home I ran into the UNITYYY CREW and had a two cheeky pints w them. Just got home.. Been a good day. :)

I've totally sucked at updating my blog for the last.. fuck knows. BUT, gonna try and be good and get back into it again! So.. I live in Edinburgh now since a couple of month ago. Just got a new job as a kitchen porter at Black Bull in Dalkeith. I start on wednesday. Now all I need to do is find a new place to stay and I'll be grand! xx

Americana Roots Festival.

Went out dancin' tonight with my girls Linda & Åsa. We started out at Lindas place with some drinks, good music & lots of laughter. Then we went to the roots festival where we had a great time. Was supposed to go out afterwards n keep partying w some other mates.. But I felt that some food & then bed would suit me much better! :)
Here's some pics from tonight..

Work in progress..

Took out all of my oil colours yesterday, haven't painted in.. fuck, dunno how long. But I felt it was time to give it a go again. So, here's what I've come up with so far.. Gonna be fun to see what it turns out like when it's done.

Pain, frikkin' MAJOR pain.

Today has been an absolute nightmare. My back has been hurting so FUCKING BAD, and it's driving me insane. Thank fuck I'm off work on thursday. But ofc, I've got shitloads to do then. Haha. Gwah. Oh what I wouldn't give to win some money so that I could take time off work. YES.
But, I shouldn't complain. I rather have work & a sore back than no work & going mental over having nothing to do & having no money. True that, true that.


Shit cold.


It's been too long since last. Thanks for the smiles & laughter.


Work, work, work..

Ever since I got back from Edinburgh I've pretty much done nothing than work n sleep. Which is both good n bad. Good cause I need the money for the sleeve (which I'll be starting on the 2nd of december) and bad cause I HAVE NO LIFE WHAT SO EVER. Wish I would be able to meet up with friends after work n hang out, but most days I'm so shit tired I crash as soon as I come home. Sucks.

BUT, on sunday I'm off work & then I'm meeting my friend Amanda (who I haven't seen in ages) at Solrosen which is a vegetarian restaurant with amaaaazingly good food. Yes. And after we've had dinner we're gonna go to Kellys to meet up with Karl & check out the weekly quiz. Really looking forward to it.


Snowflakes <3

Edinburgh birthday trip.

Had a real good time in Edinburgh with Elisabeth n Åsa. And they really made my birthday awesome. They woke me up by singing happy birthday & brought me breakfast and presents. I was so happy I almost cried. Best birthday awakening in a long time. Then we spent the day shopping, had a lovely walk through the park beneath Edinburgh castle & ended the day with a beautiful dinner which I didn't have to pay for. :)

The rest of the time was awesome aswell. Met so many wonderfull people, went to an kickass hardcore gig & I got tattooed as usual. This time I got three snowflakes on my neck, which I absolutley adore.

Me n Elisabeth will be heading back the 29th of november and will be staying til the third of december. She's gonna buy a bas signed by Mark Hoppus & I'm gonna get started on my sleeve. :) It's gonna be ace!

I love mom.

It's OK kids..

Adults have accidents too..

24 days to go..

On the 18th of september I'll be on my way to London. GAH. I can't wait! It's gonna be such a blast. And waiting for me at Heathrow airport is one of my best friends Tawny. She's moving to england from USA to study music management. We haven't seen each other for over a year now, so it's gonna be real nice to see her again.

We're gonna spend one day in London and then we're gonna head to Sheffield where she'll be staying while she's studying. Then on the 21th we're gonna take a bus to Edinburgh where we'll meet up with two of my friends. Patsy & Åsa who will have arrived in Edinburgh the day before. :)

I've got three things planned so far.. Celebrate my birthday, go watch my mate Mike play at a metal festival in Aberdeen & have a picnic with my friends. If the weather will allow it.

Here's some pics from last years trip to Edinburgh..

Goodie goodie yum yum.

Patsy's back from Wales & with her she brought my two new Rebel 8 shirts that Steve got for me. And I love them. So fucking gorgeous. Mike Giant ftw! Happy, happy!

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